Fear or nervousness is caused by the inability to accept the negative outcome

The problem of fear or nervousness is more often than not the real reason why talented people can’t get themselves to exhibit. Despite the fact that you are good at something…the whole talent gets eclipsed by fear. Many brain waves which might have changed the world for the better have been squashed, destroyed only because the people who had thought of them were afraid or nervous to implement. Maybe you are one of the people who thinks of great ideas but lacks the ability to implement.Think of where you could have been,what you could have accomplished had you only put forward your idea.

Well if you are still reading this its because you want to understand the real reason behind your fear and how to control it. I believe fear or nervousness is caused by the inability to accept the negative outcome…you think of what could go wrong with whatever you want to do and you just can’t bring yourself to accept it should it go wrong.You then start to be afraid of implementing …now the only way you can control that fear is if you accept that not everything works the way we plan.Be willing to accept failure and any disaster which is a consequence of your plan.In other words confidence becomes the acceptance of the negative outcome.Confidence comes when an individual accept that there is bound to be failure… have the “I will never know unless I try attitude”. In Napoleon Hill’s book titled ” think and grow rich” he tells a story of the soldiers who were out numbered and so they sailed to the other side of the river where they were going to battle with their enemies .The commander told his soldiers to burn all their boats they were not to retreat whatever happens. The Commander said,”we either perish or win”.Such a statement shows they were willing to accept the outcome of perishing hence they confronted their adversary with bravery and confidence consequently they won.

Accept that things could go wrong and be willing to live with the situation which h comes when things go wrong .That’s were confidence comes from…it is the” I have nothing to lose feeling.”From now on go and be a confident person, get things done !!!

Remember to accept the negative outcomes …be willing to live with the failure outcome.

For more life changing personal development staff visit my site mentormebezil.com

A few tips that will change your life in 2019

Follow them and see what happens!!

  • Stop believing in the shitty concept of fate…its high time you take responsibility of your own failures and successes. Stop blaming everything on creation .Stop saying,”that’s the way nature intended it to be” each time you fail. Take the blame for every move you make .Make your own destiny!!!Be a problem solver
  • Be optimistic…. The way you contemplate at or upon a situation is the same way it presents itself to you .If you think you will fail you will.If you think you can win you will
  • Capitalize on your problems… Many people look at problems and see a detestable misfortune impeding their way to greatness but a success oriented person sees moments of fortification …problems he understands them to be a chain of events that will shape him to be a strong and formidable person in life.

The power of your mind.

Everything is created in the mind before it is created in the physical form. That is everything …even the most greatest inventions started as a brain wave .Each time when you think of something you visualize and feel…during this process our bodies send vibrations which connect you to those things. These vibrations can only be created by emotions of love(desire)and belief.

Our mind is the most powerful tool I have ever witnessed….you can create anything and do anything, achieve anything if you believe.

The concept of belief might have several times been taught by gurus which I’m not but from my experience let me hasten to say it is true …anything can be achieved with belief.

I have once been interested in the philosophy of hypnosis. I read virtually everything on hypnosis and watched videos where this amazing practice was being done. I learned there is the part of our mind which is called the sub conscious mind which acts upon anything repeatedly suggested to it…no matter how absurd. I have seen someone being convinced repeatedly that he could not move from where he was because his legs where magnetized to the ground… The man couldn’t move no matter how hard he tried.From this I wanted to use this same practice to persuade our sub conscious mind to develop any quality we so desire…this could be done through self hypnosis by telling your self repeatedly everyday that that you are something.

Say you want to be a confident and composed person …tell yourself everyday with emotions of desire that you are those things …this will compel your sub conscious mind to act upon this consequently you develop those traits.I have never been a confident person but when I came to know if this practice I convinced myself I was until I became.People started to recognize me…I even became a school captain who could speak and motivate a number of people. People voted for me where leadership was needed…this is the power of our mind…to create.So convince yourself of anything by saying it repeatedly everyday,visualize and feel.Anything that you might want will be translated into physical form said Napoleon Hill.

You could wish for a big mansion …believe ,have desire ,visualize and feel it.The subconscious mind will bring a plan from the infinite intelligence which will get you the mansion.Such is the power of your mind.

For more tips visit my sitementormebezil.com

What is the reason why you want it so badly

The most powerful thing I have ever witnessed…the one thing that drives a human being …it compels him to go through the most excruciating pain and suffering but one great thing that inspires me is that no matter what comes,no matter how hard and unbearable it becomes he still says,” its worth it!!!” Nothing can do this other than PURPOSE!!! It is what you must have before you set out to pursue something…it should be something that sets alight the fire in you .It should be something even greater than yourself… HAVE A PURPOSE!!!…are you doing it for your family,to prove your enemies wrong or to prove yourself right ..WHAT IS IT then that wakes you up early in the morning. This purpose can make you tenacious that you will never knucle under …it makes you unstoppable and inexhaustible which is just what you need to achieve. Aristotle said that humans are teleological beings which means we are purpose driven. So have a WHY …why do you want something so badly .That’s why it is said before you give up ask yourself why you started …it will rekindle the dying fire in you …it will revitalize you .Have a purpose,dwell upon it ,meditate then you will become an invincible goal achiever …mentormebezil.com

Hypnotise yourself with success ideas

When all you think of is prosperity and greatness they become a part of you .If you want to achieve success then you must be obsessed and insatiably hungry to achieve.Tell yourself that you are the best at what you do and no matter what happens you are going to make it.These ideas should be ingrained in your brains …say it repeatedly everyday …feel it and visualize it.I suggest you should have a mantra stick it up a wall …it must have your goals and beliefs…recite it !!! The law of concentration says whatever the mind dwells upon grows and increases in your mind…think solely of success and it will become a reality .Our sub conscious mind have the ability to act upon what we want and what we think of .Sometimes you don’t even have to consider the feasibility but just believe you can.Napoleon Hill said” the i can brings the how to”.So believe and see what happens

Hypnotise yourself with success ideas

When all you think of is prosperity and greatness they become a part of you .If you want to achieve success then you must be obsessed and insatiably hungry to achieve.Tell yourself that you are the best at what you do and no matter what happens you are going to make it.These ideas should be ingrained in your brain …say it repeatedly everyday …feel it and visualize it.I suggest you should have a mantra stick it up a wall …it must have your goals and beliefs…recite it !!! The law of concentration says whatever the mind dwells upon grows and increases in your mind…think solely of success and it will become a reality .Our sub conscious mind have the ability to act upon what we want and what we think of .Sometimes you don’t even have to consider the feasibility but just believe you can.Napoleon Hill said” the i can brings the how to”.So believe and see what happens

Be cocky

Everyone has got his own talent I believe but what makes others to stand out and others to be unrecognized is not because they are not talented… They are!!!The problem is inferiority complex—they look down upon themselves and expect the worst of themselves… “what if I mess up?” “the people will laugh at me”. These thoughts then eclipses the talent …the talent is then impeded from manifesting .This is a consequence of diffidence or lack of confidence. The lack of confidence is metaphorically similar to a bomb that will never explode without a detonator.So have belief in what you do …challenge yourself to do something you somehow feel you can …never give in to what people say.See yourself as the best…because you are!!!

Be in control

Don’t you want to be in a position where you control how you feel and act …it sounds fantastic right to be able to do anything. Say you don’t feel confident the secret to fight this is to act as if you are confident then this feeling will be created in you.Aristotle said to develop a quality you lack act as though you already have that quality.This is popularly known as fake it until you make it.It,s amazing knowing you can create happiness ,wisdom ,confidence etc only if you act consistently with those feelings and traits. You will be in control of your emotions that no one will manipulate you….my advice is you go and try see what happens.